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Conway Orchard

Funded by The National Lottery Local Food, The Conway Community Orchard is set in the heart of Sparkbrook Birmingham.  The aim of the project is to educate children and the local community in the importance of good nutrition, locally sourced products and the benefits of growing at home and at school.  Over a 3 month period we worked in partnership with Conway Primary School, Trees For Cities and local community members to plant 40 fruit trees and soft fruits both on the schools grounds and in peoples homes in the community.  The style of orchard is that of an 'Edible Hedgerow' where we actively encourage the community to pick the fruits, from the pavement, during the harvest season.  All of the children in the school played an active part in the project, from the planning, to design, to the grand opening ceremony with local Morris Dancers.

© 2015

Forest School in Dudley
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